Effective use of exotic plants
Effective use of exotic plants
What a waste!
The impact of global warming is beginning to show in the lakes. One such impact is abnormal propagation of exotic plants. As the water temperature rises, water chestnuts and Alternanthera philoxeroides are growing at an increased rate every year and are harvested and incinerated in large quantities. Their growth is impacting native plants and creatures, but those exotic plants also happen to be living organisms.
Can we use them
for other specific purposes?
This is the reason why REFINE HOLDINGS CO., LTD. started
studying how to effectively utilize disposed plants
In collaboration with prefectures, universities, Fisheries Cooperative, and locals.
We are currently conducting research on utilization water chestnuts that grow in abundance in Inbanuma in Chiba Prefecture, and we presented our efforts in Inbanuma at the World Lake Conference. We are also developing activities that are rooted in the community. Our efforts have been introduced in the newspapers or other media outlets.
Research presentation at World Lake Conference -
Participation in the Inbanuma Environmental Experience Fair
It is still at the research stage, but we have found that this plant has amazing power.
revitalization of the area through these efforts.